We are delighted to introduce our new ECR representatives, Samar Abdelmageed and Achref Chibani, who have exciting plans to bring together our amazing group of early career researchers interested in Social Policy, Conflict prevention and other relevant topics in the MENA region.
Meet the ECR Representatives:
Samar Abdelmageed
‘Hello! My name is Samar Abdelmageed, and I am an assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Science, the British University in Egypt. I graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University and has a master’s degree in International Business Administration from the Graduate School of International Studies at Ajou University, South Korea. I am currently a finance PhD student at Ain Shams University in Egypt. I am really excited to become an ECR representative to get the opportunity to contribute to the initiation and implementation of ideas on areas that young researchers, like myself, could need some mentoring in to support their progress at the current stage of their careers. As an ECR representative, I look forward to meeting researchers and practitioners from different nationalities, backgrounds and perspectives and to engage with them in fruitful discussions and exchange of ideas and learn from their experiences and their points of view, which would eventually help me grow both professionally and personally.’
Achref Chibani
‘I am excited to be an ECR rep as I want to support academics and researchers in the MENA region, especially those promoting and enhancing social protection systems to make them more inclusive and shock-responsive.’
Based in Tataouine, southern Tunisia, Achref Chibani is a Nonresident Fellow at TIMEP focusing on climate change in the Middle East and North Africa region. He is a Tunisian journalist, researcher, and civil society activist whose core areas of focus are climate change, renewable energies, and environmental protection. He was formerly a visiting scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars’ Middle East Program. You can follow him on Twitter at @ChibaniAchref.