MENASP-CP Ethics in Social Sciences Series: In Conversation with Prof Joe Devine

In this conversation with Rachel, Joe talks about his research around communities of disadvantaged, marginalised and/or poor in Bangladesh and South Asia. He focuses on ethical issues around outcomes and legacies of research including combatting injustices and working with decision-makers in relation to this. Causing no harm in research is also a particular focus of this conversation.


Joe Devine is Professor of Global Development, Deputy Dean for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) at the University of Bath. He is Co-I and core member of the MENASP-CP commissioning group.


The “In Conversation With” Case Studies can be viewed here.




The Ethics in Social Sciences Series is developed in the framework of the Strengthening social protection, safety and welfare in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region (MENASP-CP) project which is led by the MENA Social Policy Network (University of Bath) in partnership with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), and funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). For more information about MENASP-CP programme, click here.


Check out the funding call here.




The opinions expressed in the series are those of their owners. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Middle East and North Africa Social Policy (MENASP) Network or the University of Bath.

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